Tram forum
For the light rail experts, by the light rail experts
May 5-6 2025
Stockholm expo
Stockholm, Sweden
About Tram forum
Theme: Well that didn't go as planned
May 5-6th 2025
The Tram Forum conference is a pivotal event in the field of public transportation, specifically focusing on light rail systems. It brings together industry experts, policymakers, and academics to discuss the latest advancements, challenges, and opportunities in tram and urban transport systems. The conference is a prime opportunity for networking, sharing knowledge, and staying updated with the latest technological innovations. Registering for the Tramway conference is essential for professionals in the sector to gain insights, contribute to discussions, and be a part of shaping the future of urban mobility. It's a unique platform for collaboration and learning, essential for anyone involved in or interested in the development of sustainable and efficient public transport systems.
This edition's theme will be "Well that didn't go as planned". Hear stories about how projects and products change over time, how we learn from mistakes and how mistakes were made into successful projects. We need to reminded on how sometimes not everything go according to plan. That's why on this edition of Tram Forum we will mix up our regular presentations with this theme. But don't worry, we will have our usual programming of locally connected presentations as well so you'll know what's on the agenda in Stockholm.
The Tram Forum runs for two days, and we offer plenty of networking opportunities, interesting discussions and informative talks. It is the only event in the Nordic that doesn't allowed sponsored presentations, allowing you to trust that our agenda is compiled with the interest of the light rail sector in mind. Sign up today!
On May 5-6th 2025 we are returning to the Stockholm Expo in Stockholm to share facilities with our friends at the Train&Rail expo which will be open on May 6-8th, enabling you to hit two birds with one rock and attend both events.
Registration will open shortly and will offer our members an early bird discount. If you're not a member yet feel free to reach out to the office.

About Spårvagnsstäderna
Who are organizing Tram Forum?
Soprvagnsstäderna is a collaborative organization founded in 2009. Our goal is to make it easier to build modern light rail / tramways in The Nordics by facilitating cooperation and conversation within the sector. The association in membership based where cities and regions are appointed to our board and decide our direction, while suppliers, cities outside of Sweden and interest associations are welcomed as associated members. Knowledge sharing is the core of our organization and this happens in several ways, such as events like this one but also seminars and technical visits.
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